Sail Seneca
Relax into Adventure

Sail Seneca, our story…
Sailing was always on my bucket list…but I didn’t realize that dream until I found Seneca Lake in the heart of the Finger Lakes. Almost immediately after moving to Geneva, NY with my new bride in the late seventies we bought our first boat, a small sailing catamaran.
Barb’s desire for adventure and being outdoors, and my interest in all things mechanical, nature and adventure too, found us exploring the waters of the lake.
In no time we learned the basics which led us to a lifetime of learning, enjoying, and sharing our passion with each other, and others. Thirty years, a half dozen boats, and countless adventures later, we decided to turn that passion into an opportunity!
Frank earned his Captains License through US Coast Guard training and Barb became an Official First Mate. Since picking up our first guests at the Belhurst Castle docks in June of 2012 – we never looked back!
We now sail with clients about sixty times per season and another twenty or thirty times with just each other or small groups of friends. The wind, the water, the shorelines, the sunsets, the harmony of sailing Seneca Lake never gets old for either of us. Sharing what we do, aboard our private boat, Crazy Love, with others never gets old either.
Sharing the sounds of the water, the waves lapping the side of the boat, or maybe your bare feet hanging over the side, birds flying or bobbing in the water, catching a Loon calling for a mate, the sun inching out from the edge of a cloud providing us with a gust of wind…
…friends laughing and talking in their private space, the boat preparing to tack is an experience to remember.
You are welcome to join us with your family and friends.